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growing flourishing business

The Orchard is a 12 month program of group mentoring and nurture for women business owners.

Move beyond overwhelm, get clear on what matters to you (and what doesn't!), and find a sense of flow and balance as you actually achieve your goals in business and in life. 

Let's get your business flourishing!
Running a business is like growing a tree. From a seed you tend it with love and care. Once its roots go down, it gets stronger. It needs different things at different times and occasionally it needs to be pruned to become more healthy. As you care for it and watch it grow, it can bring you so much joy and satisfaction.
The Orchard is a space for a small group of business owners to come together for a year
Does any of this sound familiar?​

  • You want a life of balance - where your business is thriving and so are you.

  • Your business has so much potential, but you're just not sure how to take it there

  • You know you want to work on your business, not just in it, but you're not quite sure where to start

  • You set goals but life and business get in the way and they fall by the wayside

  • You want a profitable business without having to drink capitalism's kool-aid

  • You've read the books, listened to the podcasts, perhaps even done the workshops, but haven't quite landed on an approach that feels great for you

  • You love the idea of nurturing yourself and your business at the same time

  • You can feel a bit isolated running your business solo, and you'd love some connection and cameraderie along the way

I get it, really. 

I've been running my business, Eve, for over ten years, and prior to that I led a not-for-profit organisation for more than a decade. I've also worked within larger organisations managing many projects, budgets and staff. I've burnt out (twice!), resolved never to let that happen again, and found ways to prioritise my wellbeing and cultivate balance while still growing my business. I'd love to support you to find that balance for yourself.

What's included:

Monthly Modules


Every month you'll gain access to a new module including pre-recorded videos you can watch when it suits you, along with extra resources to help you integrate it all into your life and business.

2 x 1:1 sessions
with me


Our first 1:1 session is within the first month of the program, so I can really get a sense of where you're at and how I can support you. 

Your second session can be scheduled when you want it - any time within the 12 months.

Live Online Sessions

Monthly live online sessions to connect with other business owners, share where you're at and get what you need - whether it's encouragement, problem-solving, a sounding-board or a cheersquad.

2 x Weekend Retreats

These deep-dive weekends are an opportunity to retreat from everyday life to really focus on you and your biz. 

Enjoy nourishing food, great company, beautiful natural surrounds and guided sessions to really move your business forward.


These in-person retreats are located within a couple of hours' drive of Naarm (Melbourne). They're all inclusive. You just need to get yourself there. 


There's nothing like a bit of postiive peer-group pressure to really get stuff done. These monthly two-hour sessions will start by briefly sharing what we're focusing on, and then it's heads down. A quick refresher stretch break in the middle before the last hour of power. 


Whatsapp Group

We'll stay connected for support, questions and sharing of resources through our private Whatsapp group

By the end of your 12 months in The Orchard you will have:

  • Clarified your vision and values in life and business and know what success means to you

  • Identified the seasons in your business and life and cultivated ebb and flow for overall balance

  • Set goals, defined the steps to get there, and actually achieved them (AND know how to do it all again!)

  • Determined what to focus on (and what not to) each day, week, month and season of your business

  • Explored different areas of your biz, making adjustments as needed to bring your vision to life

  • Kissed burnout goodbye and found ways to thrive in yourself as well as in your business

  • Become aware of your limiting beliefs and how to move beyond them

  • Established systems to support the easy flow of your business

  • Learned how to rinse and repeat all of the above

  • Made friends who really get what you're doing and are there to cheer you on


​The Orchard starts in mid-August and goes for 12 months.

Each month you'll receive pre-recorded content to work through at your own pace. 

Our monthly live online gatherings will be on Thursday evenings (unless the group decides on a different time) and will be recorded for anyone who can't make it. 

The in-person retreats are on the following weekends:

25 - 27 October 2024

11 - 13 April 2025

Your investment:​
You get it all (yep, even including two weekend retreats) for just $399 per month.

(or a one-time upfront payment of $4500)


Registrations for The Orchard will open at the end of July. There are only a handful of spots available. Pop yourself on the waitlist and I'll let you know BEFORE registrations open to everyone else. 

© 2024 Annie Carter

I live and work on Wurundjeri Country.

Always was, always will be Aboriginal Land.

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